Rice Flour and Tamarind Face Mask


Rice has many benefits to the skin. It works as anti-ageing agent, an effective scrub and also adds radiance to the skin. Rice can be used as a good base for making mask and scrubs. It leaves a cooling effect when applied on the face. The benefits and availability of rice makes it a good choice to be used as the base of our face mask. 



Tamarind is a tropical fruit which is rich in vitamin. A Bangladeshi man once told me that drinking tamarind juice may help to decrease fatigue and muscular pain. I think it does. Because I always drink this turmeric-ginger drink called jamu. It contains tamarind in it. And this drink is effective in boosting energy and reducing muscular pain. The vitamin C in tamarind may also be beneficial to our skin. Consuming vitamin C really help us to obtain healthy skin and helps our body to function better. Tamarind is also effective in eliminating or reducing oil on our face. Washing face with tamarind juice not only eliminate excessive oil on our face but it also leaves a cooling effect. However tamarind juice with thin consistency must be used to avoid skin irritation. And one maybe do not like the smell of the juice, which is not sweet.


Rice and Tamarind Mask

Combining tamarind and rice flour will produce us a face mask which can be used for several purpose. Some of the known purpose is to eliminate excessive oil on the face, to clean the face from dead cells and to reduce blackheads on the face.


This mask is easy to make, apply and clean. To get the best result, the mask must be applied twice or more as it doesn't remove all blackheads in one appliance. The result may be different to every individuals, it may work for some and not for some. But it is better for us to try applying this mask as it is easy and also cheap. Do test the compatibility of the mask to your skin by applying it on the skin on the neck near your ears first to avoid irritation. However, the tamarind is not a strong ingredient and usually it is safe to use. 



  • 1 tablespoon rice powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon tamarind paste
  • Water if necessary


  • Mix rice powder and tamarind paste. Add water to increase its concentration. 
  • Apply to the face especially on the blackheads area. 
  • Wait until the mask dry. 
  • Wash with water. 


Improvised Version



  • 1 teaspoon tamarind juice
  • 1 tablespoon rice flour
  • A few drops of coconut or jojoba oil
  • Some water


  • Mix tamarind juice, rice flour and oil in a container. 
  • Add water a little by little until it reach the mask consistency.
  • Apply it to the face, especially on the affected area. 
  • Wait for around 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Rub it gently in circular motion with some water. 
  • Clean the face by using facial cleanser. 
  • Do it 2 to 3 times for better result. 


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