Easy Homemade Pandan Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is well known for its moisturizing effect and is widely used as skin and hair moisturizer. It is also traditionally used to moisturize hair in some cultures such as in South Asia and Southeast Asia. 

In the ancient Malay Archipelago it is widely used in beauty care. Our grannies had been applying coconut oil to moisturize and maintain their hair. The oil is applied everyday, just after bath when the hair became a bit dry. It is believed that the coconut oil can make hair smoother and slow down the occurrence of gray hair.

Coconut oil can be obtained through several methods. And the end result is different, based on the method used. You may end up with coconut oil or virgin coconut oil (VCO). 

The best coconut oil is virgin coconut oil, as the properties in the oil is not destroyed during the extraction process. However, processing virgin coconut oil at home may be a bit challenging. Hence, most people usually go to second option which is coconut oil. Even though some of the beneficial properties of the oil may be lost in the extracting process, coconut oil is still effective and can be used for cooking and moisturizing our skin and hair. 

One method to prepare coconut oil is by boiling the coconut milk until it reduces and changes to coconut oil. This is the traditional method my grandmother used to make her coconut oil. The method is added below. This recipe may produce around 30 ml of coconut oil. The older the coconut, the more oil you may get. 

Ingredients and tools
  • Coconut flesh from 1 coconut, grated.
  • 3 cups of water.
  • 1 pot.
  • Fine strainer or cheesecloth.
  • Blender

  • Pour coconut into the pot and add water.
  • Mix well and boil until it bubbles.
  • Turn off heat and let it cool.
  • Blend the mixture until it become fine.
  • Strain the coconut mixture to get the coconut milk.
  • Squeeze the grated coconut until maximum coconut milk obtained.
  • Pour the milk in the pot and boil in low heat.
  • Boil until the oil appear and the milk became very thick. 
  • When the milk became thick paste and oil, pour the oil into smaller container. 
  • Continue to cook the coconut paste until it doesn't release oil.
  • Pour the additional oil obtained into the oil container. 
  • Continue to cook the paste while stirring it non stop until it became a bit brown. 
  • Let the paste cool and you can use it in cooking and baking.
  • The oil obtained is coconut oil. It smells like coconut (of course). 
  • If you don't like the smell you can add essential oil in it, or like me I add Pandan leaves. 
  • You can also add in lime peel or jasmine flower. 
  • Then the oil is ready to be applied on your hair.

Browned coconut paste is the residual product from this homemade coconut oil making process. The paste is usually used in making a kueh called koleh kacang (mung bean cake). It is a delicious pudding-like food made from coconut milk and mung bean flour. 

Adding Pandan Leaves
Pandan leaves are good for our hair. I have been applying the pandan water on my hair several times and the results were satisfying. Pandan water makes our hair softer and lighter. The effect of it last for three days for me. And I love the smell of Pandan too. Adding crushed Pandan leaves into coconut oil may add its benefit to our hair. 

After the coconut oil is done, I took 3 pandan leaves and crush them a little bit so that it may release its essential oil. I also tear it into smaller pieces to ensure it fit in the oil container. Then I add the leaves into the coconut oil, until it submerged in the oil. 

The leaves also can be added in the oil bottle beforehand. Then add the oil in the oil bottle. The smell of pandan will be significant after 1 day. You can also add more pandan leaves in it. 

Coconut Oil with added Pandan Leaves.

Applying the coconut oil
Traditionally coconut oil is applied on hair. For damaged hair, the hair might become oily and curly on the first and second appliance, but when your hair is getting better, the hair will become less oily and straighter. 

Coconut oil can also be used as hair mask. Apply coconut oil on hair and leave it overnight. Then wash the hair using shampoo. I love to do this and always satisfied with the result. 

About Pandan Leaves and Pandan Water
Pandan is a type of plant which grow in Southeast Asia. It is a green short plant with blade-like leaves. The leaves usually are 20 to 50 cm long. It has woody aerial roots. 

How to make pandan water.
  • Take 3 to 7 medium size of pandan leaves and cut it 1 inches long. 
  • Add them to the blender and add 1 cup of water.
  • Blend the ingredients until the leaves became fine. 
  • Strain the mixture and take the water. 
  • The pandan paste can be dried and added to your bath scrub or facial mask. 

Easy way to use pandan water. 
Apply pandan water on your hair and scalp for at least 1 hour. Then wash your hair. You can also add hibiscus and aloe vera gel in it. 



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