Produces From The Garden II

Last week I went to my mini garden at the backyard. I was going to water my Brazilian spinach with rice water that I got from my rice face mask residue. It is like fermented rice water with sweet and sour smell. I think the plant will love it. 

When I went outside I noticed that two pumpkin plants had gone wild, out from their pots. According to my mom the pumpkin wont yield fruit because it lacked of space and nutrients. Pumpkin needs big space and lots of soil to bear fruits. It does flower, but all it has are male flowers only. Not only pumpkin, the sweet potato plant also gone wild. This made my mini garden looked terrible.

Today I aimed to trim and clean my mini garden at the backyard. Pumpkin plants have been turned into compost pile and wild Brazilian spinach also got trimmed. I then trimmed the basil, pandan, sweet leaf and chives. 

One of my my sweet leaf plant is not doing well. It looks like having a kind of disease. The other one is doing well, but they all lacked of water. Some leaves became crispy. I trimmed them to promote new growth and water with my fermented rice water.

At noon I finished maintaining my garden, and bring in some produce which I got after trimming the plants. I even cooked the sweet leaves for lunch and the recipe is here. Some of the chives I used to make kueh malas in the afternoon. 

Some herbs and vegetables I took after trimming the plants. On the right is sweet leaves and on the left are basil flowers. 

Basil Flowers

Thai Basil Flower

Pandan leaves, Basil flowers and Chinese chives

Chinese Chives

Sweet Leaves


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