Ginger and Lemongrass Tea For Health
It has been a long time since my last post. I learned that health is a big blessing in life which many of us doesn't aware of. Being healthy, we can do many things we want and plan. We can put efforts on our dreams. And we can function well and do many things for our loved ones.
Pain is one of the obstacle we always face in doing our daily activities, be it working, cooking or even resting. Muscle pain and period cramps always attack us women. These pain always hinder us from functioning well in our daily jobs and activities. One more problem that we always ignore is wind or bloating. This problem may originate from various cause such as from food we eat and may become more critical if we did not get early treatment.
There are many over the counter medicine made for these kind of problems. For less severe pain we can take pain killer. But we can also try drinking herbs tea to cure these problems. It may or may not work but drinking it usually won't harm unless you drink in large quantity or have allergy over it. For me, herbs tea is a good supplement for my health. It also can treat bloating problems effectively.
Ginger And Lemongrass Tea
Ginger and lemongrass are famous herbs. They are well known for their strong flavor and also for their health benefits. Ginger is well known for its benefit for stomach and intestine related problems such as bloating. It is also known to be a good remedy for fever and headache. Along with prescribed modern medicine. Lemongrass is a good herb for detoxification, and bloating problem.
Drinking ginger tea and lemongrass tea every week may work wonder to enhance our health. Besides drinking the tea, we can also add these herbs in our daily cooking such as in soup, marinade, stir fry, porridge and in our white rice.
In some part in Southeast Asia, ginger and lemongrass tea is well known to treat period pain. Some people drink this tea prior to menstruation time and some people also drink it during menstruation. It may helps to reduce inflammation, ease the pain, assist blood flow and clean the uterus. Lemongrass, although has a soothing taste, is considered a sharp ingredient. It can be used to clean the clotted blood and remaining blood in the uterus, hence give a more comfortable after period feeling. And when that happens our mood also may become better.
However due to the said sharpness of lemongrass, I am not sure wether it will have the above effect to pregnant women, and whether it may cause miscarriage. I think the tea may not be suitable to pregnant women as it is unknown if it may cause miscarriage or not and I think it is safer to drink it after the menstruation time as the process is over and the tea may help to refresh our body. Anyway I have not read any medical report on this tea and the effect of the tea in reducing period pain is still known as traditional and natural remedy only.
Besides working to reduce period pain, the tea also may work to reduce bloating problem. Both lemongrass and ginger are good to reduce bloating. Sometimes the result can be seen after drinking one glass of the tea, and sometimes after drinking 2 or 3 glass of it. When you are talking about natural remedy it sometimes work slower than modern medicine. Sometimes they are faster.
Lastly the ginger and lemongrass tea may also help in reducing muscle pain, especially muscle pain or body pain which associated with bloating problem. I once had a muscle pain and by drinking the tea the pain was reduced in 1 day and gone in around 3 to 4 days.
Ginger And Lemongrass Tea
2 to 3 inches ginger
3 lemongrass
3 cups water
Peel the ginger.Bruise the lemongrass and ginger.
Boil in the water until these ingredients became soft and water become 1 1/2 cup.
Drink 1/2 cup once.
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