
Ginger and Lemongrass Tea For Health

It has been a long time since my last post. I learned that health is a big blessing in life which many of us doesn't aware of. Being healthy, we can do many things we want and plan. We can put efforts on our dreams. And we can function well and do many things for our loved ones. Pain is one of the obstacle we always face in doing our daily activities, be it working, cooking or even resting. Muscle pain and period cramps always attack us women. These pain always hinder us from functioning well in our daily jobs and activities. One more problem that we always ignore is wind or bloating. This problem may originate from various cause such as from food we eat and may become more critical if we did not get early treatment.  There are many over the counter medicine made for these kind of problems. For less severe pain we can take pain killer. But we can also try drinking herbs tea to cure these problems. It may or may not work but drinking it usually won't harm unless you drink in lar...

Removing Black Heads With One Ingredient Only

Blackheads and whiteheads are some of the skin problems which many of us have to face. The dots on the face affect our appearance and also sometimes can be itchy, or can make us uncomfortable. It does make our face become oily and easy to get acne.    Oil to reduce blackheads There are some ingredients which might be useful or effective to remove this blackheads. And they are oils. Two types of oil which may reduce the blackheads are jojoba oil and coconut oil. I won’t be elaborating about jojoba oil because I have not tried it yet. I have tried only coconut oil.   Coconut Oil Coconut oil does help to reduce the blackheads. It has anti-bacterial properties which may help clean the skin and the oil also penetrates into the pores. The coconut oil must be applied for at least 30 minutes. It also helps to moisturize the skin and also tighten the skin. If you want to make your own coconut oil, here is the recipe. If you live in the tropics, you can add Pandan...

Rice Flour and Tamarind Face Mask

Rice Rice has many benefits to the skin. It works as anti-ageing agent, an effective scrub and also adds radiance to the skin. Rice can be used as a good base for making mask and scrubs. It leaves a cooling effect when applied on the face. The benefits and availability of rice makes it a good choice to be used as the base of our face mask.    Tamarind Tamarind is a tropical fruit which is rich in vitamin. A Bangladeshi man once told me that drinking tamarind juice may help to decrease fatigue and muscular pain. I think it does. Because I always drink this turmeric-ginger drink called jamu . It contains tamarind in it. And this drink is effective in boosting energy and reducing muscular pain. The vitamin C in tamarind may also be beneficial to our skin. Consuming vitamin C really help us to obtain healthy skin and helps our body to function better. Tamarind is also effective in eliminating or reducing oil on our face. Washing face with tamarind juice not only elimi...

Easy Homemade Pandan Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is well known for its moisturizing effect and is widely used as skin and hair moisturizer. It is also traditionally used to moisturize hair in some cultures such as in South Asia and Southeast Asia.  In the ancient Malay Archipelago it is widely used in beauty care. Our grannies had been applying coconut oil to moisturize and maintain their hair. The oil is applied everyday, just after bath when the hair became a bit dry. It is believed that the coconut oil can make hair smoother and slow down the occurrence of gray hair. Coconut oil can be obtained through several methods. And the end result is different, based on the method used. You may end up with coconut oil or virgin coconut oil (VCO).  The best coconut oil is virgin coconut oil, as the properties in the oil is not destroyed during the extraction process. However, processing virgin coconut oil at home may be a bit challenging. Hence, most people usually go to second option which is coconut oil. Even thou...

Anti Diabetic Food

Diabetes is one of the major health problem faced by the world. According to World Health Organization (WHO) 8.5% among adults over 18 years old are diabetic. (1) It shows an increase of 4.7%  compared to 1980. 1.6 million death in 2016 was estimated caused by diabetes. (1) It is one of the top 10 causes of death in 2016.  High blood triglyceride (fat) level, high fat and carbohydrate diet, high alcohol intake and obesity are some of the causes of diabetes. (2) Obesity and inactive lifestyle is said to be the main causes of diabetes. (2) Hence what we can do to prevent or manage diabetes? One of the effort we can do is to change our diet into a healthier diet. It is by consuming more healthy food and follow the food pyramid. This means we have to eat more vegetables especially green vegetables and also fruits. And eat them in moderation. Below are some of the food that is good for diabetic people. Bitter Gourd Avicenna in his Canon wrote that bitter gourd can b...

Butterfly Pea

I have been nurturing this for few years now. The beauty and radiance never fail to impress me. That is my butterfly pea plants. There are two of them, living in flower pots. Prior to growing this plant, I don't know why people like to plant butterfly pea, but after reading some articles about the benefits of the plants I think it is wise if I grow one. And my other aunt happened to give me some seed from her garden that time. Hence I grew it.  My multi-layered butterfly pea flower. Planting butterfly pea is not difficult, especially when you grow them on the ground. In the pot, they just need more care, enough water and nutrients. And when it flowers it is so lovely. Striking blue flowers and mine is multiple layers flower. Oh I almost forgot, one think that you cannot do when growing this plant is not to grow chives nearby. Both plants' growth will slow down and plant might get sick.  Butterfly peas... I read in articles that the whole plant is edible bu...

Homemade Rice Turmeric Scrub 2

Scrub is an essential beauty product in our beauty routine. Exfoliation is one of the important process for people who care for their skin. The process exfoliate dead skin cells and sometimes add nutrients to the skin. Thus the skin may become smooth, clean and healthy.  There are abundance of ready made body scrub in the market. Herbs, fruits, rice and milk are some of the ingredients contained in body scrub. And the price of these scrubs range from cheap, affordable to expensive.  But many of us also loves to make homemade scrub. Why. Because it is not only cheaper, but also fresh and flexible. It is flexible as we can control the ingredients used to make our body scrub. And making scrub is also take not much of our time.  There are many ingredients can be used to make homemade scrub. And they range from long lasting scrub to easily expire one. Dry ingredients such as rice, coffee ground and dried ingredients are usually last longer than wet ingredients...